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Is There a Need for US Civilian Contractors in Ukraine?

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Is There a Need for US Civilian Contractors in Ukraine?

Is There a Need for US Civilian Contractors in Ukraine?

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought great suffering to the people of that land and those in other parts of the world. The calls for increased military spending may be a precursor to the call for civilian contractors to Ukraine. While US officials maintain they do not want a direct confrontation between US and Russian soldiers, civilian contractors may serve a critical role in Ukraine. The prevalence of civilian-military contractors may give rise to an increase in Defense Base Act (DBA) claims. As such, DBA claimants should consult with an attorney to ensure that their claims receive timely and appropriate consideration.


What Are Civilian Military Contractors?

Throughout history, the Department of Defense (DOD) has relied on contractors to support a variety of military operations. “Contractor” can refer to private companies or individuals the DOD hires. The term does not include military servicemembers, political appointees, or civilian DOD career employees.

The DOD contracts with various companies for goods and services. However, the dominating companies are Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman. Additionally, the DOD employs individual contractors to fulfill organizational roles and functions. Workers from nearly every industry can be civilian contractors. For example, the DOD uses civilian contractors to fill positions as medical care providers, engineers, and construction workers.


Defense Base Act Coverage for Injured Workers

The Defense Base Act (DBA) provides workers’ compensation benefits for civilian government contractors, regardless of whether they are citizens or foreign nationals. Under the DBA, injured workers can file claims for specific or general injuries. Specific injuries are injuries resulting from a specific event and/or injuries to extremities. In comparison, general injuries are those not associated with a particular event and/or injuries to the head, shoulder, neck, torso, or hips. Post-traumatic stress disorder claims typically fall under the general injury category.


Filing a DBA Claim

While the DOD provides basic steps and forms on its website, an attorney is a critical asset during these proceedings. A DBA attorney can ensure that a worker’s claim receives prompt and thorough review. Further, an attorney can dispute denials and appeal the decision to the Benefits Review Board.


DBA Overseas Contractor Attorneys

If you have suffered injuries while working overseas as a civilian military contractor, contact the Defense Base Act Attorneys at Friedman Rodman & Frank. The DBA attorneys on our team fight for compensation for injured contractors. The law firm handles DBA claims for workers who were hurt while working abroad in locations such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. One of the experienced DBA attorneys on our team can help you understand your rights and remedies after a workplace injury and advise you as to whether you are entitled to compensation and medical benefits. Contact our office at 877-448-8585 to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney on our team.