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Do Companies Need DBA Insurance?

The Defense Base Act (DBA) provides workers’ compensation benefits for civilian contractor employees working under government contracts outside the United States. DBA insurance provides a solution for US Government contractors who send employees and sub-contractors overseas. Employers who do not secure this coverage may be liable if their employees suffer serious injuries from their work duties.

Coverage Under the DBA

DBA provides coverage to any individual who works as a contract employee for the United States, regardless of the individual’s country of origin, nationality, or job classification. For example, positions that may be eligible for DBA coverage include:

  • Aircraft Mechanics
  • Canine Handlers
  • Certain NATO Workers
  • Defensive Marksman
  • Engineers
  • Educators
  • Food Service Workers
  • Helicopter Pilots
  • Security Workers
  • Translators
  • US State Department Workers

Determining whether one’s employment falls within the DBA coverage can be a complex process. A DBA attorney can help claimants understand their rights and remedies under the law.

Types of Claims under the DBA

Many incidents may give rise to a DBA claim. For instance:

Aircraft Crashes: Those who sustain injuries in a helicopter or airplane crash related to their occupation may be eligible for benefits.

Hearing Loss and Tinnitus: While working abroad, many contractors experience exposure to loud gunfire, IED explosions, and machinery noise. This exposure can lead to tinnitus and other hearing loss claims.

Training Injuries: Some positions require workers to maintain a level of physical fitness. In some cases, workers may undergo training and fitness tests. Those who suffer injuries during or related to training may be eligible for DBA benefits.

In addition to these acute injury claims, any other injury or illness that results from the workplace may be compensable. This includes injuries related to sitting at a desk for prolonged periods, motor vehicle accidents while on the job and exposure to toxins.

Evidence for a DBA Claim

Although DBA claims follow the basic framework of traditional workers’ compensation claims, the fundamental nature of overseas work creates additional challenges. An attorney can help injured workers or their surviving family members gather all relevant evidence and prepare a compelling case for benefits.

Some relevant evidence for DBA claims include:

  • Medical and treatment records
  • Injury Reports
  • Incident Reports
  • Correspondence with employers
  • Wage Records

This documentation will help bolster claims and expedite approval for benefits. Further, an attorney can help injured workers in cases where an employer fails to maintain their DBA insurance or unlawfully denies a claim.

Contact a DBA Attorney to Discuss Workers’ Compensation

If you need assistance filing or appealing your DBA claim, contact the experienced attorneys at Friedman Rodman & Frank. The lawyers on our team have a well-established practice of securing favorable outcomes for civilian workers seeking workers’ compensation coverage and benefits through the DBA. We have represented clients working across the world, including areas such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Cuba, Guam, Kuwait, Diego Garcia, and Haiti. In addition to DBA claims, our firm handles claims involving Camp Lejune and cases falling under the Jones or Longshore Acts. Contact our office at 877-448-8585 to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney on our team.