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Why Are DBA Claims Denied?

What is the DBA? The 1941 U.S. Workers’ Compensation Program was established in 1916 to administer claims under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act. Benefits are available under this Act to more than three million federal employees, Peace Corps members, and Americorps members....
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Large Scale Defense Base Act Statistical Trends

What is the Defense Base Act? The Defense Base Act (DBA) is an insurance program that serves to cover overseas employees working for American employers. This includes work on military bases, diplomacy, civilians doing federal military contracting, and other national defense work....
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Categories of Commonly Covered DBA Injuries

What is the DBA? The DBA is an important federal law that provides benefits and protections to employees engaging in defense contract work overseas. Such workers face unique risks and challenges while serving their country in hazardous environments and deserve significant benefits...
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Defense Base Act Statute of Limitations Guide

The Defense Base Act (DBA) covers civilian employees working outside the United States on U.S. military bases or under a contract with the U.S. government for public works or national defense. It’s designed to provide workers’ medical treatment and compensation protection to...
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Why Are Some DBA Claims Denied?

Filing a Defense Base Act (DBA) claim is highly technical, complex, and nuanced. Receiving compensation for an injury through a DBA decision or settlement is your right, but sometimes claims can be denied. Understanding why claims are denied is a vital part...
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Navigating Lowball DBA Settlement Offers

What is the Defense Base Act? The DBA is an extension of the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA). The LHWCA provides workers’ compensation benefits to qualifying maritime workers and longshoremen and can provide death benefits to their surviving family members....
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Understanding the DBA Settlement Process

The Defense Base Act is an extension of the federal workers’ compensation program that covers longshoremen and harbor workers, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. It was created to offset the dangers associated with contractors and subcontractors deployed overseas. For contractors...
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Understanding Non-Schedule DBA Injuries

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is an extension of the 1941 U.S. Worker’s Compensation Program that was enacted to provide coverage for employees working outside of the U.S. for American employers. The policy allows employees to receive compensation while working at U.S....
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Defense Base Act (DBA) Statistics and Trends

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is an insurance program that serves to cover overseas employees working for American employers. This includes work on military bases, diplomacy, civilians doing federal military contracting, and other national defense work. The DBA is an extension of...
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Tips and Tricks to Maximize a DBA Claim

The Defense Base Act is an extension of the federal workers’ compensation program that covers longshoremen and harbor workers, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. It was created to offset the dangers associated with contractors and subcontractors deployed overseas. For contractors...
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What is the Defense Base Act (DBA)?

The United States began ramping up the construction of new and existing military bases around the world in the early 1940s as the potential for war with Japan and Germany loomed large. To ensure that the American civilians working overseas to construct...
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What is Covered Under the Defense Base Act?

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is a federal law protecting civilian employees who work overseas in support of the American military. The law requires federal contractors to maintain DBA insurance coverage in order to supply workers’ compensation should a contractor get injured...
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Understanding Why Some DBA Claims Are Denied

The 1941 U.S. Workers’ Compensation Program was established in 1916 to administer claims under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act. Benefits are available under this Act to more than three million federal employees, Peace Corps members, and Americorps members. The Defense Base Act...
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Understanding Common Injuries Under the DBA

Over the life of the Defense Base Act (DBA), some injuries have emerged as more common than others. These injuries range from intuitive ones, such as machinery injuries on the job, to less visible suffering, such as psychological or emotional injuries. Regardless...
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How to Approach Filing a DBA Claim

The Defense Base Act (DBA) was enacted on August 16th, 1941. The DBA serves as an extension to the federal workers’ compensation program that protects longshoremen and harbor workers. The DBA is administered by the United States Department of Labor (DOL) and...
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Avoiding Lowball DBA Settlements

Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance companies typically pay military contractors and other DBA-qualified individuals while they are out of work at a very high rate. This is because private military contractors often find themselves working in deadly zones of hostility, such as...
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Burn Pit Claims Under the Defense Base Act

The Defense Base Act (DBA) was created to offset the dangers associated with contractors and subcontractors deployed overseas. The DBA provides contractors and subcontractors who are injured while working overseas with health insurance and the opportunity to receive a disability rating. U.S....
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Calculating DBA Settlement Amounts

The Defense Base Act (DBA) was created to offset the dangers associated with contractors and subcontractors deployed overseas. For contractors and subcontractors who are injured while working overseas, the DBA provides them with health insurance and the opportunity to receive a disability...
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DBA Claim Issues: Claimant Credibility

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is an extension of the 1941 U.S. Worker’s Compensation Program that was enacted to provide coverage for employees working outside of the U.S. for American employers. The policy allows employees to receive compensation while working at U.S....
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Understanding The DBA Statute of Limitations

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is an extension of the 1941 U.S. Worker’s Compensation Program that was enacted to provide coverage for employees working outside of the U.S. for American employers. The policy allows employees to receive compensation while working at U.S....
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Understanding the DBA Settlement Process

Defense Base Act (DBA) cases and claims frequently result in settlements. The DBA claims process is often drawn out and confusing, and going through such a case is a stressful and complicated process. In many cases, insurance companies rely on delaying tactics...
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COVID-19 Claims under the Defense Base Act

Civilian employees working outside the United States on a U.S. military base or under a contract with the U.S. government for public works have faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of workers contracted COVID-19 and lost income and benefits because...
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Calculating Benefits under the Defense Base Act

Those who worked overseas as a defense or civilian contractor for the United States government or under a government contract were likely exposed to hazards that many servicemembers encounter. However, unlike servicemembers, civilian contractors do not have access to VA disability benefits...
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Which Employers Must Have DBA Insurance?

The main goal of the Defense Base Act (DBA) is to cover qualifying workers on military bases outside of the United States. Its primary purpose is to provide compensation for injuries, disabilities, or death to persons employed under a contract with the...
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What Happens if I am Injured While Working Overseas?

There are various benefits of working as a civilian contractor overseas for the United States government, such as high compensation, good benefits, and marketability. However, like any other job, especially one overseas in potentially volatile areas, it brings additional challenges and potential...
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How to Win a DBA Claim

Winning a Defense Base Act (DBA) claim requires a comprehensive understanding of the substantive, procedural, and evidentiary rules that govern the DBA claims process. The Defense Base Act (DBA) is an offshoot of the Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. Together these...
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Defense Base Act Appeals

The time following an overseas injury can be stressful for workers and their loved ones. Although the Defense Base Act (DBA) provides workers’ compensation benefits to qualifying overseas military and U.S. government contractors, these claims are rarely straightforward. Employers and insurance companies...
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What to Do After a Disputed DBA Claim

Civilian contractors working for the U.S. government or on a military base have certain workers’ compensation protections under the Defense Base Act (DBA). While some exceptions exist, these benefits apply to citizens and foreign workers. However, these protections are not guaranteed, and...
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What to Do if an Employer Does Not Have DBA Insurance

The Defense Base Act (DBA) and Longshore Act require every employer to obtain workers’ compensation benefits provided under the Act or be permissibly self-insured. The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) is responsible for authorizing insurance carriers and self-insurance of employers. Employers...
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Defense Base Act Coverage and Benefits

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is a form of workers’ compensation that applies to civilian employees working outside of the United States on a U.S. military base or as a contractor with the U.S. government. DBA insurance provides compensation for injury, disability,...
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Open-Air Burn Pit Injuries

During the Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom era, the United States military operated various large burn pits to dispose of human and industrial waste at military bases. While most of the pits were designed for temporary military installations, the fumes...
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What Happens After DBA Settlement Approval

Pursuing compensation under the Defense Base Act (DBA) can be a daunting and arduous process. These claims require a comprehensive understanding of complex procedural and substantive laws. Additionally, DBA claimants are often faced with difficult decisions regarding the best avenue for prompt...
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Filing a Defense Base Act Claim

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is a federal workers’ compensation program for U.S. government contractors working overseas. It is critical that overseas contractors understand the Act, as courts have clarified that the DBA is the sole remedy for workers falling within the...
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Top 5 Most Common DBA Workplace Accident Claims

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is a federal workers’ compensation law requiring all U.S. government contractors and subcontractors to obtain workers’ compensation benefits for their employees abroad. The DBA provides various benefits to eligible employees who suffer injuries or fatalities during the...
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Do Companies Need DBA Insurance?

The Defense Base Act (DBA) provides workers’ compensation benefits for civilian contractor employees working under government contracts outside the United States. DBA insurance provides a solution for US Government contractors who send employees and sub-contractors overseas. Employers who do not secure this...
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DBA Claims for Overuse Injuries

DBA Claims for Overuse Injuries Those suffering from overuse injuries because of their occupation as a civilian employee working under contract with the U.S. government or outside the United States on U.S. military bases may be eligible for benefits under the Defense...
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Securing Defense Base Act Benefits Quickly

The Department of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP), in conjunction with the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation (DLHWC), is responsible for reviewing and administering medical and disability claims for civilian employees injured overseas while working on a U.S. military base...
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What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”) is not a new diagnosis, however, the condition has only really begun to be understood by the medical community over the past few decades. Previously, PTSD was known as “shell shock,” however, in 1980, the condition was first...
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Working in a Hostile Enemy Zone and PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”) is a complex and potentially chronic condition that often occurs as a result of exposure to a traumatic event. PTSD can interfere with social and personal functioning, and as such, it is critical to identify risk factors that...
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Can You Qualify for DBA Benefits for a PTSD Diagnosis?

Over the past two decades, private contractors have been deployed worldwide. In addition to supporting foreign governments, many contractors support U.S. and allied forces, non-governmental organizations, and private businesses. These contractors provide maintenance, transportation, logistical support, communications, and construction services. At one...
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Appealing the Denial of a DBA Claim

Under the Defense Base Act (“DBA”), the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) provides workers’ compensation benefits to civilian employees working overseas on a U.S. military base or under a government contract. However, as with many government programs and benefits, many people experience...
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Injury Claims under the Defense Base Act

Individuals who work overseas for the government often experience exposure to various traumatic events that can cause emotional distress and trigger psychological conditions. In some cases, these conditions go unnoticed until after the worker is re-deployed. These situations bring up many issues...
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Defense Base Act Waivers

Defense Base Act (“DBA”) insurance is a federal workers’ compensation law under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. The law requires insurance coverage for employees working under a U.S. Government contract or as a civilian on a military base abroad. Typical...
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Qualifying Employees Under the Defense Base Act

Congress enacted the Defense Base Act (“DBA”) to provide disability compensation benefits to a unique group of the American workforce, specifically, military contractors working abroad. According to a report from the Congressional Research Service, defense contractors accounted for over half of the...
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Defense Base Act Claims for VA Burn Pit Injuries

While most people understand the combat-related risks of serving in the military, there has been a recent emphasis on additional risks to active service members and civilian employees working on U.S. military bases abroad. In addition to acute physical injuries, some workers...
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War Hazards and the Defense Base Act

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (“LHWCA”) provides compensation to qualifying employees of maritime employers. Like the Federal Employment Compensation Act, the Office of Workers’ Compensation administers the LHWCA. The Defense Base Act (“DBA”) is an extension of the LHWCA and...
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Frequently Asked Questions About the Defense Base Act

The Defense Base Act (“DBA”) is an extension of the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (“LHWCA”). Under the DBA, many federal government contractors and subcontractors must provide workers’ compensation insurance for employees working outside of the United States. Although the DBA...
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Obtaining Defense Base Act Benefits for PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can range in severity and duration. Many people associate PTSD with combat; however, the condition can arise after a person experiences severe trauma or a life-threatening event. Those who have PTSD because of...
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Appealing a Defense Base Act Claim Denial

The Defense Base Act (DBA) provides compensation for disability or death to those employed at military, air, and naval bases outside of the United States. The Senate and House of Representatives enacted this Act to extend the federal workers’ compensation program. Those...
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COVID-19 Claims under the Defense Base Act

Government workers and contractors often operate under unique and challenging working environments. In certain instances, these working conditions may expose them to dangers, diseases, and illnesses that other workers do not frequently encounter. In the context of COVID-19, workers may experience barriers...
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Recovering Damages Under the Jones Act

Various statutes govern maritime conduct; however, the Jones Act is a critical federal statute to those who have suffered injuries during the regular course of their employment. Unlike land-based workers, neither federal nor state workers’ compensation applies to sailors and seamen. However,...
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