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June 2022

Working in a Hostile Enemy Zone and PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”) is a complex and potentially chronic condition that often occurs as a result of exposure to a traumatic event. PTSD can interfere with social and personal functioning, and as such, it is critical to identify risk...
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Can You Qualify for DBA Benefits for a PTSD Diagnosis?

Over the past two decades, private contractors have been deployed worldwide. In addition to supporting foreign governments, many contractors support U.S. and allied forces, non-governmental organizations, and private businesses. These contractors provide maintenance, transportation, logistical support, communications, and construction services....
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Appealing the Denial of a DBA Claim

Under the Defense Base Act (“DBA”), the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) provides workers’ compensation benefits to civilian employees working overseas on a U.S. military base or under a government contract. However, as with many government programs and benefits, many...
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