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Helping Civilian Workers Injured in Afghanistan Secure DBA Assistance

There are a number of circumstances that have caused civilian contract personnel to be injured in Afghanistan, but all of them can be similarly overwhelming when it comes to filing a DBA injury claim. Even though a contractor who is working on a military base overseas is entitled to certain protections granted by the Defense Base Act, advocating for yourself and ensuring these rights are honored can be a difficult task. Friedman, Rodman & Frank, P.A.  offers legal representation and assistance to clients who have been involved in accidents at any of the following bases and areas:

  • Kandahar International Airport
  • Bagram Air Base
  • Camp Leatherneck
  • Shindand Airbase
  • FOB Delaram

Burn Fields in Kabul

After contractors began reporting symptoms such as asthma, pulmonary issues, weeping sores and heart conditions, it became apparent that the burn fields and pits that were used at many bases had inflicted serious health consequences on many workers. Contractors working in the vicinity were exposed to the toxic fumes and chemical traces produced by the fires.

Legal Assistance for Injuries Sustained in Kandahar and Beyond

Afghanistan is known as one of the most turbulent areas in the Middle East, so it’s no wonder that many workers have been injured while completing jobs on bases in the country. It is unfortunate, however, and the problem is exacerbated by the fact that few of those who are affected fully understand what DBA rights are granted to them after being injured in Afghanistan. Friedman, Rodman & Frank, P.A.  helps clients who have sustained DBA injury in Japan and elsewhere on international military bases. If you are struggling to file your claim and navigate the process, call us at 877-448-8585 to arrange a consultation.