Civilian contract personnel who are injured in Qatar are entitled to medical treatment and several other rights that are outlined in the Defense Base Act. Verifying that an incident qualifies as a DBA injury, however, requires that you file a claim and go through a review process. This is not ideal for any contractor who is on the job in Qatar, and it pushes many injured longshore and harbor workers to become frustrated with the process. Luckily, if you have been injured overseas at the Al Udeid Air Base or elsewhere in Qatar, an attorney can help you fight for your rights and any compensation that may be granted to you. Friedman, Rodman & Frank, P.A. offers comprehensive legal services to clients who have been injured on international bases. Some of the most common accidents in Qatar include the following:
The United States’ military presence in Qatar necessitates work that is done by contractors throughout the year. Some of the jobs are risky, but regardless of apparent danger, accidents happen and injuries result. When a contractor is injured in Qatar, the protections granted by the Defense Base Act may not always be a given. In fact, hiring an attorney to advocate for your case is often the best option. Friedman, Rodman & Frank, P.A. represents clients dealing with DBA injury in Cuba as well as Doha and the Persian Gulf in Qatar. If you would like more information on the services we provide, reach out to us at 877-448-8585.